I LAGGGGGG way more than the previous builds.
Windows Only Download: 4.0-9077 Mirrors: Advanced/Mac/Lunix Users: If it continues to fail, follow this guide (this is a last resort) after downloading Dolphin.ĭOWNLOADS *If you are here to play Project M: Click Here and Follow this Guide* Windows Users: If the Installer fails, make sure your computer is up to date on Windows Updates (Service Pack 1 is required), then restart your computer. In simpler terms, download and install this package (takes 30 seconds max): If you have done this in previous versions of dolphin, then you may skip this step. You are required to update your Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 in order to run the new dolphin. Current Dolphin Build: 4.0-9077 ***Before you continue, ALL WINDOWS USERS***